Click\Click #h #v/mouse/closebox/zoombox [twice] [screen/window] [cmd] [shift] [caps] [opt] [ctrl]SClicks the mouse on a specific screen or window location or at its current position#h #vEHorizontal and vertical coordinates of the click location (in pixels)mouse$Clicks at the current mouse positionclosebox/Clicks in the close box of the frontmost windowzoombox.Clicks in the zoom box of the frontmost windowtwiceISimulates a double-click by clicking the mouse twice at the same locationscreen1Click location is in screen coordinates (default)window1Click location is in frontmost window coordinatescmd(Holds down the Command key when clickingshift&Holds down the Shift key when clickingcaps*Holds down the Caps Lock key when clickingopt'Holds down the Option key when clickingctrl(Holds down the Control key when clicking